/* The following was provided by Guy from http://www.meteoturbie.net "Attached the few lines of script that allow english or french dispay depending on the value of a: $lang var. On my side $lang is stored in a cookie that is reassigned when clicking on a language flag. Anyway that $lang var may be assigned by any other method. May be it can help someone. Kind regards. -= Guy =- */ // Optional header info $header = true; // true if you wish to use it $Courtesy = $lang == 'fr' ? 'Script, courtoisie de Jim McMurry jcweather' : 'Script, courtesy of Jim McMurry jcweather'; // Anything you wish or "" for a plain bar $Langtitle = $lang == 'fr' ? 'Données Historiques de Météo Turbie' : 'Météo Turbie Historical Data'; // Anything you wish or "" for a plain bar $LcurDay = $lang == 'fr' ? 'Retour à aujourd\'hui' : 'Return to Current Day'; // The link back to the current day if off in one of the other modes. "" to disable it. // Optional footer bar $footer = true; // true if you wish to have the colored footer bar at the bottom $LangFtext = $lang == 'fr' ? 'Données Historique de Météo Turbie' : 'Météo Turbie Historical Data'; // Anything you wish or "" for a plain bar // Optional content to be placed to the right of the Summary/Graph portion of the page $inboxfile = "./top.htm"; // A file of html to be placed in the right outlined box. Make it "" if not using, or just don't have a file available. $outboxfile = "./bottom.htm"; // Same but for the area below the right blue box. Paths to the files must be relative to the calling page. // Optional "Return to Top" link on the right side $toTop = false; // Most will want this, but some folks have alternative methods. $LtopPg = $lang == 'fr' ? 'Haut de page': 'Return to Top'; // Optional selector for other PWS data $selOthers = false; // true if you wish to show other stations, false if not $otherIds = array('KWIMAUST1', 'ISILKEBO2', 'IVLAAMSG7', 'IBOUCHES4'); // Only works for PWS - Not Airports! $otherLocat = array('Mauston, WI', 'Silkeborg, DK', 'Kampenhout, BE', 'Cassis, FR'); // Option to not show sky conditions in the daily tabular listing $skipSolar = false; // true to skip solar data, false to include them $skipSky = false; // true to skip sky conditions, false to include them // Option to not show the tabular data $skipTab = false; // true if you wish to suppress the tabular data // Language changes follow. If unsure about any of them, try it and see what happens. if ($lang == 'fr') { $mnthname = array('Nil', 'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Aoûut', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'); } else { $mnthname = array('Nil', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); } // Next are for the Summary Table if ($lang == 'fr') { $Langtabs = array('Journalier', 'Hebdomadaire', 'Mensuel ', 'Annuel', 'Sur mesure'); } else { $Langtabs = array('Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Yearly', 'Custom'); } // Tabs above the Summary Table if ($lang == 'fr') { $LangSumHeads = array("Température", "Point de rosée", "Humidité", "Vent", "Rafales", "Vent", "Pression", "Pluie", "Solaire");} else { $LangSumHeads = array("Temperature", "Dew Point", "Humidity", "Wind Speed", "Wind Gust", "Wind", "Pressure", "Precipitation", "Solar"); } // Headings for the Summary Table if ($lang == 'fr') { $LangSumCols =array("Actuel", "Max", "Min", "Moyenne"); } else { $LangSumCols = array("Current", "High", "Low", "Average"); } $LSumfor = $lang == 'fr' ? "Rapport pour" : "Summary for"; $Lunits = $lang == 'fr' ? "Unitée" : "Units"; $Lboth = $lang == 'fr' ? "Les deux" : "Both"; $Lenglish = $lang == 'fr' ? "Impériale" : "English"; $Lmetric = $lang == 'fr' ? "Métrique" : "Metric"; $Lnext = $lang == 'fr' ? "Suivant" : "Next"; $Lprev = $lang == 'fr' ? "Précédent" : "Previous"; if ($lang == 'fr') { $Ltarget = array("Jour", "Semaine", "Mois", "Année"); } else { $Ltarget = array("Day", "Week", "Month", "Year"); } $Lview = $lang == 'fr' ? "Voir" : "View"; $Ltab1 = $lang == 'fr' ? "Données tabulaires pour" : "Tabular Data for"; // Next 5 for Blue bar above the Tabular listing $Ltab2 = $lang == 'fr' ? "Données tabulaires hébdomadaires" : "Weeks Tabular Data"; $Ltab3 = $lang == 'fr' ? "Données tabulaires mensuelles" : "Months Tabular Data"; $Ltab4 = $lang == 'fr' ? "Données tabulaires annuelles" : "Years Tabular Data"; $Ltab5 = $lang == 'fr' ? "Données tabulaires sur mesure" : "Custom Date Range Tabular Data"; // Next are for the Tabular Table if ($lang == 'fr') { $Lheadings = array('Heure', 'Température', 'Point de rosée', 'Pression', 'Vent', 'Vent', 'Rafales', 'Humidité', 'Pluie Taux (Horaire)', 'solaire', 'Conditions'); } else { $Lheadings = array('Time', 'Temperature', 'Dew Point', 'Pressure', 'Wind', 'Wind Speed', 'Wind Gust', 'Humidity', 'Rainfall Rate (Hourly)', 'solar', 'Conditions'); } // Headings when in weekly, monthly etc modes if ($lang == 'fr') { $Lhdngs2 = array("Temp", "Point de rosée", "Humidité", "Pression niveau mer", "Vent", "Rafales", "Pluie"); } else { $Lhdngs2 = array("Temp", "Dew Point", "Humidity", "Sea Level Pressure", "Wind", "Gust Speed", "Precip"); } if ($lang == 'fr') { $Lcols2 = array("max", "moy", "min", "tot"); } else { $Lcols2 = array("high", "ave", "low", "sum"); } $Lcommafile= $lang == 'fr' ? "Fichier délimité par virgules" : "Comma Delimited File"; $Lthanks = $lang == 'fr' ? "Courtoisie de" : "Compliments of"; // // end of settings